sunnuntai 3. toukokuuta 2015

Grampians National Park

Few months ago me, Vanessa and Mill(S) had a little 2 day trip to the Grampians National Park. It was one of the best trips so far!! It included lots of chips, not double or even triple but FOUR chocolate muffins, sweating as hell, getting lost in the middle of nowhere, asking directions in little towns, freeeeeeezing cold night --> no sleep at all, waking up at 4.30am to the fact that our tent was surrounded by 30 kangaroos sniffing around the campsite, praying that Vanessa would not kill us with her driving skills (just joke my luv), taking lots of pictures, and to capture those cool pictures we could have died as we were standing on the edge of a cliff facing a few hundred meters long drop and of course eating ice cream.
All in all just one of the funniest trip I've had with my penguin fwends. :)

Oh and in few days I'll be in Finland!! Imagine that! Time flieeees!

Have a great day :)

                                                                                                        xoxo, Rowina